+91-7045340562 -
prasoon.s@eximbankindia.in -
Centre One Building, Floor 21, World Trade Centre Complex, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai 400 005 INDIA
About the Knowledge Centre
The Bank's Knowledge Centre (KC), a cornerstone of intellectual resource and learning is located at Head Office and the resources are accessible across the Bank. KC resources have been meticulously designed to cater to the diverse informational needs of the Bank and stakeholders, housing a specialized collection of resources ranging from books, specialized publications, to electronic resources. The KC stands as a testament to our commitment to continuous learning and staying at the forefront of industry insights. Further, to keep our users abreast of information anywhere any time, the KC procured MapMyAccess platform.
Resources @ KC –
Mode of Accessing KC Resources -
At present users can access KC’s physical resources from KC and E-resources through TICE and MapMyAccess application.